iPSC Development: Technical, Clinical, and Regulatory Hurdles

iPSC Development: Technical, Clinical, and Regulatory Hurdles

The Complexities of iPSC Development

Induced pluripotent stem cells hold immense promise in revolutionising medicine through patient-specific therapies. However, their clinical development presents intricate challenges, including safety validation, differentiation complexities, and ethical considerations to consider.

The Potential Applications of iPSC Therapies

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) represent a significant breakthrough in regenerative medicine, heralding new possibilities for treating diseases once thought incurable.

These versatile cells can potentially treat various health conditions and provide insights into disease mechanisms. The unique characteristic of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) is that they can be derived from a patient’s cells, enabling researchers to develop disease models. This advances more precise drug testing and the formulation of personalised treatment strategies.

iPSCs are also revolutionising personalised medicine, enabling tailored regenerative therapies and advancing research and development. They facilitate the creation of patient-specific cells for repairing damaged tissues, studying disease, and developing immunotherapies, thus heralding a new era of targeted and effective medical interventions.

The Technical & Scientific Challenges of iPSCs

While iPSC-based therapies may offer unprecedented opportunities for some of the applications listed above, there are plenty of technical challenges to consider.

The Genetic Integrity Conundrum

Reprogramming somatic cells into iPSCs can introduce unwanted mutations. These genetic aberrations can compromise the functionality and safety of iPSC-derived tissues. 

For researchers, the challenge is finding a way of maintaining genetic fidelity throughout the iPSC generation process, while still navigating the need for rigorous quality control measures to minimise the risk of introducing detrimental mutations.

Proliferation and Teratoma Risk

A unique property of iPSCs is their ability to proliferate indefinitely (self-renewal), yet this self-renewal capacity can become a double-edged sword when iPSCs are used for transplantation. 

The risk of teratoma formation is concerned with using cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), not with the iPSCs themselves. When iPSCs are differentiated into specific cell types before implantation, the challenge lies in ensuring these cells do not proliferate uncontrollably. Balancing cell expansion to prevent unwanted growth is critical to developing safe iPSC-based therapies.

Integration & Immuno-compatibility

Successfully delivering iPSC-derived cells to target tissues and ensuring their integration within the host environment present substantial hurdles. 

Precise delivery and engraftment techniques are critical to maximise the therapeutic benefits of iPSC-based therapies. The challenge lies in achieving the correct location, timing, and interaction with the host tissue.

To compound this further, even when iPSCs are derived from a patient’s cells (autologous iPSCs), immunological responses can still occur when iPSC-derived tissues are transplanted, potentially leading to rejection. 

Strategies to enhance graft survival, such as immune modulation and engineering techniques, are being developed to address this nuanced challenge.

Mastering Cellular Fates: Challenges in Directed Differentiation

Efficiently coaxing iPSCs into desired cell lineages and ensuring their subsequent maturation and functionality is complex. Differentiation protocols must be finely tuned to yield high-quality, functional cells. 

Researchers face hurdles in optimising protocols, to prevent suboptimal outcomes that limit the therapeutic potential of iPSC-derived cells.

While induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) possess remarkable and offer prospects for personalised treatments and tissue regeneration, several complexities surround their use. These include issues related to the lack of maturity of iPSC-derived cells, which do not consistently achieve full functionality equivalent to their adult cell counterparts. Additionally, the challenges extend to ensuring the safety, ethical considerations, and control of cell differentiation. As the scientific community progresses in addressing these challenges, iPSC-based therapies may become a cornerstone of patient-specific medical treatments.


Regulatory & Ethical Considerations

In addition to the technical and scientific challenges of iPSCs, there is also a strong need for regulatory and ethical considerations. Stringent regulations are required for approval, as are the ethical considerations that include informed consent and protecting patient well-being.

Rigorous safety assessments through each stage of clinical trials are imperative to address concerns like tumorigenicity, and immunogenicity can only be achieved through clear experimental endpoints with robust release criteria.

Ethical Minefields

Complex ethical debates emerge with the use of iPSCs. Potential modifications using iPSC-derived germ cells raise ethical questions about altering the human genome in ways that could impact future generations. These concerns highlight the need for careful consideration of the long-term effects and the ethical implications of such genomic interventions. The unpredictability of unforeseen long-term consequences associated with iPSC therapies adds further ethical dimensions. 

Ethicists, researchers, and policymakers must engage in thoughtful discourse to navigate the promise of iPSCs in medicine with the responsibility to safeguard against unforeseen consequences and maintain ethical integrity.

Contrasting iPSCs with Other Stem Cell Modalities

Contrasting iPSCs with other stem cell modalities reveals a compelling comparative perspective, highlighting the distinct developmental complexities inherent in each approach. 

iPSC therapies – while patient-specific and ethically sound – present challenges related to differentiation and tumorigenicity. In contrast, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) offer robust differentiation potential but come with ethical concerns regarding embryo use. 

Adult stem cells (ASCs) are less versatile in differentiation but generally raise fewer ethical issues.

Potential Innovations and Solutions

To advance the potential of iPSCs, new technologies and techniques must continue to evolve with the latest research.

Next-Gen Reprogramming

Ongoing research is driving the evolution of reprogramming methods towards safer and more efficient approaches in regenerative medicine. 

This next generation of reprogramming techniques focuses on enhancing safety by reducing the risk of genetic mutations and tumorigenicity associated with iPSCs. Simultaneously, researchers strive for greater efficiency, streamlining the reprogramming process to produce iPSCs more rapidly and precisely. 

These advancements promise to accelerate the development of personalised therapies, minimise potential risks, and broaden the scope of iPSC-based treatments. As technology continues to advance, the future of reprogramming holds the potential to revolutionise regenerative medicine.

Synergy with Advanced Therapeutics

Integrating iPSCs with therapies like CRISPR-based gene correction opens a realm of unprecedented possibilities in medicine. These synergies leverage the regenerative potential of iPSCs with the precision of CRISPR to address genetic diseases at their roots. 

iPSCs can be engineered using CRISPR to correct or replace defective genes, offering patient-specific, customised treatments. This approach holds immense promise for previously incurable genetic disorders. 

Furthermore, iPSCs can serve as a renewable source for generating cells for transplantation, enhancing the safety and efficacy of cell-based therapies. The convergence of iPSCs and CRISPR represents a groundbreaking frontier, propelling medicine towards more precise, effective, and personalised therapeutic interventions.


The promise of iPSC therapies is set to revolutionise scientific and medical applications. iPSCs offer hope for countless individuals suffering from diseases once deemed untreatable, signalling a future where personalised medicine could become the standard, not the exception.

Yet, this promise comes with its share of intricacies. The path to realising the full potential of iPSC therapies is a tapestry woven with scientific, ethical, and regulatory aspects, each adding its complexity to the challenge. 

At NecstGen, we are dedicated to accelerating safe and effective cell and gene therapy applications. To learn how we can help with your development or manufacturing of stem cell and gene therapies, contact us to discuss your challenges.

Related Questions

Which Cell Therapies are approved?

In these figures, we gathered and visualised overviews of approved ATMPs over the past years for you.

What does the Cell Therapy Development process look like?

From idea to treatment, you’ll face changing requirement and development challenges. View the figure to see how knowledge of the process inversely relates to freedom to make changes to your process.  

Our experts are only a message away to help you understand the impact of any of these aspects and make informed decisions on outsourcing.

We’d be happy to discuss and help you bring cell therapies to patients.

EIC Awards €2.5 Million Grant

EIC Awards €2.5 Million Grant

European Innovation Council Awards €2.5 Million Grant to Trince, NecstGen, and IBSAL for Advancing Cell Therapy Manufacturing

[Ghent, Leiden, Salamanca, 15/03/2024] – Following a rigorous selection process by an expert panel, Trince, NecstGen, and IBSAL are proud to announce that their “Penphomet” project has been selected by The European Innovation Council (EIC) for a significant grant of €2.5 million. Out of 257 eligible submissions, Penphomet is one of the 27 that has been awarded. Led by Trince, the consortium aims to revolutionize cell therapy manufacturing by integrating nanotechnology, optics, and microfluidics.

Cell therapy has shown promising results in cancer treatment, specifically using patient-derived cells like T cells and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) that have been genetically engineered to effectively target cancer cells.

The primary focus of the Penphomet project is to develop a safer, non-viral method for cell engineering that minimally impacts cell functionality and phenotype. The aim is to significantly reduce the costs associated with cell therapy manufacturing.

Over three years, the project aims to deliver a fully automated, high-throughput system that can be installed in centralized cell production facilities or integrated into point-of-care cell manufacturing equipment.

“We are grateful for the EIC’s support in funding the Penphomet project. It demonstrates that our breakthrough technology is addressing a crucial gap in the field of cell therapy,” said Philip Mathuis, CEO at Trince. “Together with our partners NecstGen and IBSAL, we are committed to advancing cell therapy manufacturing, ultimately benefiting patients and healthcare systems.”

“NecstGen is proud to be a part of the Penphomet consortium supporting the further development of the innovative technology of Trince. Non-viral methods for cell engineering represent a potentially cost saving route for cell engineered therapies. And furthering their use is important for the field of Cell and Gene Therapy and mission of NecstGen to enable patient access” said Paul Bilars, CEO, NecstGen.

“For the IBSAL and its main partners, the University Hospital and the University of Salamanca, the Penphomet project opens the possibility of exploring a new strategy of cell modification that can be enormously attractive for the next generation of advanced therapy medical products, and we are really pleased to be part of this initiative,” says Prof. Fermin Sanchez-Guijo, principal investigator of the IBSAL in this project.

The Penphomet project represents a significant advancement in improving the accessibility and affordability of cell therapies, with the potential for far-reaching impacts on cancer treatment and beyond.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

[Philip Mathuis]


[+32 9 273 56 25]



Trince offers a unique intracellular delivery (transfection) technology for the life sciences/biotech field. The LumiPore platform is based on the interaction between pulsed laser light and photothermal nanomaterial. By irradiating the proprietary nanoparticles with laser light, highly localized light-induced thermal and mechanical forces are generated. When these forces come into contact with the cell membrane, they create temporary pores through which external effector molecules can enter the cell. This ‘photoporation’ technology was developed as a next-generation intracellular delivery platform for efficient, flexible gentle, and safe delivery of a wide variety of effector molecules in a broad range of primary and hard-to-transfect cells, while maintaining high therapeutic quality. The technology can deliver a diverse set of payloads in various hard-to-transfect cell types, including suspension and adherent cells (directly in a standard lab recipient) and even living tissue slices.


NecstGen is a non-profit CDMO and centre of excellence for Cell and Gene Therapy, located in a purpose-built GMP facility on the largest bio-cluster in the Netherlands, Leiden Bio Science Park.  NecstGen provides critical contract development, manufacturing and rental services to academic and industrial therapy developers to deliver a new generation of therapies to patients.

NecstGen offers:

  • Full contract manufacturing services for Cell Therapy and Viral Vector
  • Process design, scale-up, optimisation and automation for Cell Therapy and Viral Vector
  • Assay development for in-process, release, and potency
  • Cleanroom rental including services for QA, QC, and QP.


The Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL) is part of IECSCYL (The Fundación Instituto de Estudios de Ciencias de la Salud de Castilla y León) and is one of the Biomedical Research Institutes accredited by the Carlos III Institute from the Spanish Ministry of Health (Order of February 17, 2014). IBSAL’s mission is to develop clinical and translational research, promoting synergy between clinical and basic research groups and optimizing resources through shared services and efficient management structures. One of the 6 areas of the Institute is Gene, Cell and Transplant Therapy, coordinated by Prof. Sánchez-Guijo. The location where the project tasks will be carried out is the Hematology Department of the University Hospital of Salamanca (HUS), also chaired by Prof Sanchez-Guijo. The Department provides services a.o. in cell therapy, includes a GMP Facility and a Translational Research Lab, and has extensive experience in the preclinical and clinical development and management of ATMPs, especially MSCs but also CAR T cells. 

EIC Transition projects focus on results generated by EIC PathfinderFET (Future and Emerging Technologies – as the predecessor of EIC Pathfinder)  or European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept projects, to mature the technologies and build a business case for specific applications. Grants of up to €2.5 million are available to validate and demonstrate technology in application-relevant environment and develop market readiness. 

Exploring the Impact of iPSC-Derived Organoids on Biomedical Science

Exploring the Impact of iPSC-Derived Organoids on Biomedical Science

Exploring the Impact of iPSC-Derived Organoids on Biomedical Science

Organoids have surged to the forefront of biomedical research, revolutionising the field with iPSC technology. These 3D cellular models hold transformative potential for medical breakthroughs and research, propelling our understanding and treatment of complex diseases to unprecedented heights.

What are Organoids?

Organoids are three-dimensional cell cultures that closely replicate the complex structure and functionality of real organs, bridging traditional two-dimensional cell cultures and living organisms. These miniature, simplified versions of organs are cultivated from stem cells—either pluripotent or organ-specific progenitor cells—that have the extraordinary ability to differentiate into multiple cell types.

The true innovation of organoids lies in their three-dimensional structure, which is essential for cells to interact in a manner that closely resembles their natural environment in the body. This spatial configuration allows the cells to organise themselves into complex, organ-like structures that exhibit multiple functions as human organs, such as contracting like heart tissue or forming neural networks like the brain.

Organoids can be generated to model several organs, including the brain, intestine, liver, kidney, and even the retina. This technology provides a versatile platform for scientists to study a vast array of biological processes and diseases in a controlled setting. This technology is up-and-coming for personalised medicine; organoids derived from a patient’s cells can be used to test how they might respond to different treatments, providing a tailored approach to therapy.

Organoids stand at the confluence of current research and future medical breakthroughs, embodying the promise of what science can achieve when it replicates and harnesses the intrinsic capabilities of human cells.

Deriving Organoids from iPSCs

Deriving organoids from iPSCs is a process derived from the ability of iPS cells to differentiate into any cell type.

iPSCs are coaxed into becoming organoids through a series of carefully orchestrated steps. These begin with the reprogramming of adult cells into iPSCs, followed by exposure to specific signaling cues that guide their development into organ-specific cells. 

Researchers use precise combinations of growth factors and 3D culture techniques to encourage iPSCs to form structures that resemble mini-organs, complete with multiple cell types and complex organ-like functionality.

The Development of iPSC Organoids

The growth factors and cell culture media used in this process are pivotal in ensuring that iPSCs differentiate into specific types of organoid structures and are used to mimic the cellular signals present during organ development in an organism. 

In addition to growth factors and media, scaffolds and matrices provide a 3D framework that offers a substrate for the cells to support the iPSC-derived cells as they grow and organise.

The Advantages of Using iPSC-Derived Organoids

iPSCs have revolutionised the field of regenerative medicine, offering unprecedented opportunities for personalised medicine, disease modelling, drug discovery, and the potential for organ transplantation. Here, we delve into the multifaceted advantages of using iPSC-derived organoids in medical science.

Personalised Medicine

iPSC organoids, which carry the genetic makeup—and potentially the same disease markers as the donor—allow for highly individualised treatment strategies. Physicians can use these organoids to test various drug responses, tailoring treatments specific to the individual’s cellular profile. Such a customised approach could significantly enhance treatment efficacy and minimise adverse effects, opening a new era of patient-centric therapy.

Disease Modeling

Researchers can replicate disease processes in a controlled laboratory environment by coaxing iPSCs to form organoids that mimic the complexity of human organs. This allows for a deeper understanding of disease pathogenesis at a cellular and molecular level and makes it possible to study with greater precision, potentially revealing novel therapeutic targets.

Drug Discovery and Toxicity Testing

Organoids provide a more accurate human tissue model for testing the efficacy and safety of new drug compounds, reducing the reliance on animal testing, which often fails to translate to human biology. Furthermore, organoids can help identify toxic side effects early in the drug development process, reducing the costs associated with late-stage drug failures and, more importantly, improving the safety profile of new medications.

Organ Transplantation Potential

Since organoids are derived from a patient’s cells, they could theoretically be used to grow transplantable tissues that are fully compatible with the recipient, virtually eliminating the risk of rejection. While this application is still largely in the research phase, it promises a future where organ shortages are no longer a concern and transplant patients can receive bespoke organs with significantly reduced complications.

Challenges and Limitations of iPSC Organoids

Despite their vast potential, some inherent challenges and limitations must be navigated to harness their total scientific and therapeutic value.

Incomplete Organ Mimicry

iPSC organoids are a monumental step towards replicating human organ structure and function in vitro. However, these miniaturised organ models do not fully recapitulate their full-sized counterparts’ complex architecture and functionality. 

Organoids often lack the complete array of cell types found in actual organs, and they typically do not replicate the intricate organ-specific microenvironments, vasculature, and innervation. This incomplete mimicry limits their use as accurate physiological replicas for studying complex organ behaviours or organ replacement therapies.

Variability & Standardisation

Another significant hurdle is the high degree of variability observed in iPSC organoid cultures. Factors such as differences in iPSC lines, culture conditions, and organoid generation protocols can lead to inconsistencies in size, shape, and cellular composition. 

This variability poses a challenge for standardisation, which is essential for research reproducibility and the potential clinical application of organoids. Developing standardised protocols and benchmarks for organoid generation is crucial to ensure the reliability and comparability of results across studies.

Ethical Considerations

iPSC organoid research also raises ethical concerns, particularly regarding brain organoids. As brain models become more complex and better able to recapitulate aspects of the central nervous system, questions arise about the potential for consciousness or pain perception. 

This concern is especially pertinent when organoids exhibit neural activity patterns akin to those of preterm human brains. The ethical implications of creating living models of human organs, the management of patient-derived tissues, and the potential for organoid use in transplantation also raise important questions about consent, the definition of life, and the moral status of these entities.

Final Thoughts

iPSC organoids herald a new era in medical science, blending the promise of personalised medicine with the rigours of innovative research. These complex 3D cultures mirror the human body more accurately than ever before, offering a dynamic tool for disease modelling, drug discovery, and the prospect of customised organ transplantation. 

Yet, the path to successfully implementing organoids is met with many challenges.

For companies looking to navigate the complexities of iPSC organoids, NecstGen can help develop or manufacture stem cell and gene therapies. Reach out to our team, and we will be happy to discuss your challenges.

Related Questions

Which Cell Therapies are approved?

In these figures, we gathered and visualised overviews of approved ATMPs over the past years for you.

What does the Cell Therapy Development process look like?

From idea to treatment, you’ll face changing requirement and development challenges. View the figure to see how knowledge of the process inversely relates to freedom to make changes to your process.  

Our experts are only a message away to help you understand the impact of any of these aspects and make informed decisions on outsourcing.

We’d be happy to discuss and help you bring cell therapies to patients.

The Ethical Advantages of iPSCs

The Ethical Advantages of iPSCs

The Ethical Advantages of iPSCs

Stem cell research is not without its ethical controversies, primarily around embryonic stem cell use, which involves complex moral and philosophical debates. The advent of iPSCs presents a turning point, promising a less contentious path forward in regenerative medicine.

The Ethical Concerns of Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs)

Whilst prized for their ability to differentiate into any cell type and offering vast potential for treating numerous diseases, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are mired in ethical controversy, primarily due to the destruction of embryos involved in their procurement.

These concerns stem from the methods of obtaining these cells, which involve the destruction of human embryos, raising questions about the commencement of life and the moral status of an embryo. The debate balances the promise of medical breakthroughs against the inviolability of early human life, fueling an ongoing discourse on the moral bounds of scientific inquiry.

An Overview of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)

Similar to the isolation and cell culture of embryonic stem cells (ESCs), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) represent a groundbreaking advancement in regenerative medicine. iPSCs provide a renewable source of human stem cells that can be engineered and differentiated in a laboratory setting. However, it’s important to note that while iPSCs themselves are renewable, the cells differentiated from iPSCs do not typically retain this renewable property.

iPSCs are crafted from adult somatic cells, like skin or blood cells, through a reprogramming process that reverses their state to resemble that of embryonic cells. This process negates the need to use or destroy embryos, thus avoiding the associated ethical concerns of ESC research.

Because iPSCs can be generated from a patient’s own cells, this offers greater options in respect to personalized therapy options and immunological issues.

iPSCs versus ESCs

Bypassing Embryo Usage

By reprogramming adult somatic cells to a pluripotent state, iPSCs obviate the need for human embryos – a process that historically necessitated their destruction, sparking significant ethical debate.

This innovation allows scientists to explore the vast potential of stem cells – such as tissue regeneration and disease modeling – without the moral implications tied to embryonic stem cell use. iPSCs thus represent a pivotal shift towards ethically responsible research, ensuring that scientific progress in regenerative medicine advances in harmony with ethical considerations.

Patient-specific Therapies

iPSCs enable the creation of patient-specific cells that dramatically lower the risk of transplant rejection. This personalized approach not only tailors treatment to the individual’s genetic makeup but also sidesteps ethical issues associated with donor transplants.

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are derived from a patient’s own cells. This approach not only minimizes immunological complications by enhancing the compatibility of transplanted tissues, but it also aligns with ethical standards by avoiding the use of donor cells and tissues. However, the characterization of iPSC therapies as “highly effective” should be clarified; while they hold potential due to their personalized nature, the effectiveness of such therapies can vary and is still under extensive research to confirm their efficacy across various applications.

Avoidance of Reproductive Cloning Concerns

The process of creating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) involves reprogramming adult cells to a pluripotent state, thus circumventing the use of fertilized eggs or embryonic cloning. This method is ethically favored as it avoids the creation of new life forms purely for research purposes.

While iPSCs stand as a promising and ethically sound route for scientific advancement, allowing for significant disease modeling and therapeutic development, it is essential to address recent concerns. Some research attempting to mimic early embryonic development stages with iPSCs necessitates a cautious approach in the discourse, ensuring that such studies do not inadvertently cross ethical boundaries associated with reproductive cloning.

Potential for Reduced Animal Testing

iPSC technology enables the development of human cell-based models that closely mimic disease conditions, which could lead to more accurate and ethically responsible science.

This transition offers the twin advantages of potentially boosting the effectiveness of research and addressing animal welfare issues by reducing the dependency on animal testing. Employing human iPSCs for disease modeling allows for a more accurate exploration of human diseases due to species-specific differences; treatments effective in animals, like rodents, may not have the same outcomes in humans. This method signifies a step towards more ethical and representative scientific practices.


iPSC technology has heralded a new era in stem cell research, overcoming some key ethical hurdles by eliminating the need for embryos and enabling patient-specific treatments, thus making regenerative medicine more ethically accessible and personally tailored.

However, challenges persist, including technical complexities and the need for further research to perfect this promising technology.

For companies looking to navigate the complexities surrounding the ethics of iPSCS, at NecstGen we can help with your development and/or clinical testing of stem cell and gene therapies. Reach out to our team and we will be happy to discuss your challenges.



Transforming Your LV Process for CAR T to a Scalable, GMP-Ready Process

Key areas of focus include:

Transitioning from research to clinical application presents numerous challenges, particularly for CAR T developers, academic institutions, and small companies at a pivotal point in their development journey. This webinar is specifically designed to address these groups, aiming to refine their process development for clinical readiness. We will emphasize the need for a shift to a structured, data-driven methodology, crucial for meeting the stringent requirements of large-scale Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).

Our objective? To help you understand the necessity of shifting from traditional, ad hoc methodologies to a structured, data-based development approach. This segment emphasizes the importance of embracing change and innovation to overcome the limitations of the “this is how we’ve always done it” mindset.

  • Quality by Design (QbD): a systematic development framework
  • Design of Experiments (DOE): understanding and improving your process
  • Scalability: designing a process that can be scaled up from the bench to large, industrial scale
  • USP & DSP: improving production and purification

Our experts can provide insights and answer your queries to advance your CAR T therapy development. This webinar is designed to help you, and if you have additional questions, we invite you to share your questions.

Cell Therapy Manufacturing & Development

Viral Vector Manufacturing & Development

Cleanroom Rental